
Enter your worry and find out what the Bible has to say to you..
Four Kinds of Love; Eros, Agape, Phileo & Storge?
Trials and Tribulations
Order of Angels
- Seraphim
... Angels of love, light and fire --- Guardians of Gods throne
- Cherubin
... Angels of Harmony and wisdom --- Guardians of spiritual sanctuaries
- Throne
... Angels of will and justice --- Givers of positive energy
- Dominions
... Angels of intuition, the leaders --- Give guidance to lower angels
- Virtues
... Angels of choice and motion --- Provide enlightment
- Powers
... Angels of power and defense --- Keepers of history, the warriors
- Principalities
... Angels of time and blessings --- Guardians of countries and cities --- Educators of the Earth
- Archangles
... Ruling angels, Gods Emissaries --- Protectors of human life
- Angels
... The messengers of mankind --- Guardians to humans and nature
Strong Holds Identified
An article I enjoyed by Paster Hagee.
In God We Trust
The American Eagle Looking Proud and Strong
Bible Trivia
- Who are the three angles mentioned by name in the bible? Answer?
- In Christian theology there are nine choirs of angels. From highest to lowest, who are they? Answer?
- One of the holiest Christian holidays, Easter is named after what pagan goddes?Answer?